In this example, I expect to get the 1 kHz frequency divider. To achieve this goal, after all, the frequency of the two drivers is 950 Hz. Keep in mind that electronic frequency division is closely related to and affected by equalization filters and acoustic filters (i.e. speakers), and that equalization filters and acoustic filters are capable of producing truly useful acoustic results.
Fig. 2 shows the combined frequency response curves of the two actuators, which are superimposed on the independent frequency response curves of low-frequency and high-frequency. Please note the offset at the frequency division and the small increase in 600Hz proximity. The 11 dB trough indicates the need for signal alignment for the drivers, which cancel out each other's outputs because they occur at the same frequency with different phases. This can not be balanced by patching, because it will affect two drives together, and the same will cancel out.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Fig. 2: the combined frequency of the two drivers has a 11 dB trough at the frequency division.
Fig. 3 adds the phase curve of the combined frequency response. Notice the change in the slope of the frequency division of the phase curve. This also indicates that the misalignment of the driver signal forms the trough of the frequency response curve.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Figure 3: From the drive combination frequency response diagram with phase curve, we can see the sudden change of slope at the frequency division, showing that the driver signal is aligned.
At this stage, most engineers performing signal alignment operations add delays at the beginning to the drive nearest the front of the box and investigate the phase curve until the slope becomes as straight as possible ("straight" rather than "flat"). If your real time analyzer (RTA) can't measure the phase, it's too bad. This can also be a very mundane task, since the last few delayed processes look almost identical on each side of the phase alignment optimization.
This may not matter for frequency response, but the signal alignment here also determines the direction of the lobes on the axis at the frequency division. To make the lobe straight on the front side of the box, it is better to obtain the best alignment settings at the locations of the Mic locations.
To find the most accurate alignment settings, the easiest way is to use real time parser.
The polarity of the rotary high frequency actuator (polarity), rather than "phase". Then start adding delays to the drive closest to the box -- in this case, the drive closest to the box is the bass unit.
Find the largest offset in the frequency division. Unlike the previous method of straightening the phase slope, this method can easily determine the delay step at the maximum offset. The trough may be 30 to 40 dB deep, and this trough will be several dB smaller even if it is further or lower than the best delay.
Fig. 4 contrasts the combined response curve before and after high frequency rotation polarity. Fortunately, the frequency response curve of the polarity of rotation looks quite smooth.
Many people stop here and start using the system. People often do this before DSP (digital signal processing) is presented. The passive frequency division system built in the loudspeaker system is usually the 10dB/ octave (2 order) divider.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Figure 4: Composite frequency response curve (trough) with the same polarity of the driver and combined frequency response curve (flat) with polarity rotation of the high frequency driver.
The 2 order divider has 3 dB attenuation at the frequency division point, and the phase difference between the drivers is 180 degrees. The phase of the revolving high frequency part allows them to phase together and achieve an increase of 3 dB at the frequency division. Many speakers with passive frequency dividers are designed in this way. At this point, an important question is: Can you hear the difference between positive polarity and rotational polarity signals? The short answer is: if the signal is a very asymmetrical waveform, you can hear the difference; if the signal is a very symmetrical waveform, you can't hear it.
Fig. 5 So unless you're listening to flute solo, you might need to use modern DSP functions to provide optimized frequency dividers for both drives to keep their polarities in common. As can be seen from Fig. 5, in the combined echo of high frequency polar rotation, the phase slope at the frequency division frequency changes slightly, indicating a certain degree of asymmetry.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Fig. 5: the combined response curve of high frequency polar rotation. Please note the small turn of the phase curve at the frequency division.
Figure 6 shows the process of finding the offset at the frequency division when the high frequency driver turns polarity. The trough depth at the frequency division is 37 dB, and the best low frequency delay is 0.417 milliseconds. Please note that it is 10 dB deeper than the nearest 0.396 millisecond delay step.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Fig. 6: the most profound offset is found when the high frequency driver turns polarity.
Figure 7 depicts the deepest offset phase curve. This is a straight straight line indicating that it is just 180 degrees out of phase.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Fig. 7: the deepest offset phase slope is a straight line indicating that it is just 180 degrees out of phase.
Once the polarity of the high-frequency drive is found to rotate, the delay step with the deepest cancellation occurs, and only the polarity of the high-frequency drive can be rotated again. Your system is now aligned.
Figure 8 is the final result. Compared with the high frequency response curve of rotation in Fig. 5, the slope of the phase curve in the frequency division area is more straight and gentle, and the response curve of the bass unit near 600 Hz does not have the high frequency offset trough.
Correct signal (time) alignment for speaker drive.
Fig. 8: the final signal alignment after the high frequency phase is reversed again.
If you have the measurement system of phase measurement, please admit that the final phase slope is a straight line. This is to avoid adding delays to the wrong driver, or delaying the correct driver 360 degrees too much or too little at the short wavelength frequency division, resulting in a deviation from a frequency cycle. After all, the frequency echoing may look the same. If the real time analyzer is used without phase measurement, special attention should be paid to this.
Contact: Frank
phones: 86-158 8929 7858
Tel: 0755-89236016
Add: 1#, Xinjia Industry Zone, Jinlong Rd. Shenzhen. Wechat. Whatsapp: 86-158 8929 7858