Sound Technology Files
Sound technician skills
The simplest system: components: sound source equipment, mixer, effector, power amplifier, full frequency speaker.
Connection mode: sound source equipment - mixer - power amplifier - speaker, and chain connection between devices. Chain connection: The way in which the output port of the former device (OUT or OUTPUT) is connected to the input port of the later device (IN or INPUT). Professional equipment interface, whether it is Canon port or direct jack, all use Canon or three-core connector to connect in a balanced way, CD machine, such as RCA Lotus outlet output signal sound source equipment, can use Lotus to large two-core line access mixer LINE IN interface. The IN port of the effector is connected to the POST AUX SEND port behind the pusher of the mixer (some of the pusher's auxiliary output is represented by FX or EFX), and the OUT of the effector is connected to the LINE IN of the mixer.
Increase the equalizer system, components: Sound equipment, mixer, equalizer, effector, power amplifier, full-frequency speaker connection mode: Sound equipment - mixer - equalizer - power amplifier - full-frequency speaker, chain connection, the effect and mixer connection mode is the same as 1.
Increase frequency divider and subwoofer system, components: Sound source equipment, mixer, equalizer, frequency divider, full-frequency speaker amplifier, subwoofer and effect between the producer echo. Beijing Ruilixiang reminds us that if you want to play a good system, scientific configuration is the first step, correct connection is the second step, how to set up and debug the system is another matter, the system, the IN of novice equipment, another two-core plug connected to the OUT of external equipment, the equipment will be serial into the mixer signal channel
Systems using digital audio processors: Sound source equipment - mixer - processor - all kinds of speakers with power amplifiers - all kinds of speakers. The device is connected with 1. Note: Microphones signals are connected to Mixer MIC IN, CD and other audio equipment signals are connected to Mixer LINE IN, and wireless microphones receivers are connected to Mixer MIC IN if signals are connected to Canon output port and to Mixer MIC IN if signals are taken from 6.35mm direct-plug output port. The effect or exciter signal comes from the mixer which AUX output (such as AUX3), then return to the mixer channel corresponding AUX knob (such as AUX3) do not open, or will be in the mixer tube is delicious, monosodium glutamate.
Stage Back-Listening System: Signals are taken from the pre-push output of the mixer PRE AUX (FB or MON), equalizer-amplifier-back speaker (also can be taken from other signal output ports according to operating habits or requirements, such as marshalling or post-push auxiliary output ports, etc.). Six
Use INSERT (insertion) access equipment: make an INSERT line (one end is a big three-core plug, the other end is two big two-core plugs), INSERT line large three-core plug insert mixer INSERT socket, the other end is connected with the tip of the big three-core plug insert a large two-core plug external amplifier (frequency divider output two ways are respectively) Connect the limiter input two ways) - (full-frequency speaker with power amplifier + ultra-low speaker with power amplifier) - (full-frequency speaker + ultra-low speaker), the main system chain connection, the effect of the same 1, the limiter set to the limit state. Note: the whole frequency speaker can be divided by frequency divider or without frequency division.
Adding an exciter system
The connection method of the exciter is the same as the effect device, from the mixer AUX output to the exciter IN, the exciter OUT to the mixer LINE IN. Exciter is a kind of effector, belongs to "electronic MSG", do not string in the main system. If the exciter strings in the main system, it is equivalent to a table of dishes, no amplifier, full-frequency speaker, ultra-low-frequency speaker connection: Source equipment - mixer - equalizer - frequency divider - (divider HIGH OUT with full-frequency speaker power amplifier, divider LOW OUT with ultra-low-frequency speaker power amplifier) - (full-frequency speaker and ultra-low-frequency speaker), Chain connection, the same with the 1. Note: the whole frequency speaker can be divided by frequency divider or without frequency division.
Increase the limiter system, components: Sound source equipment, mixer, equalizer, frequency divider, voltage limiter, full-frequency speaker power amplifier, ultra-bass power amplifier, full-frequency speaker, ultra-low-frequency speaker. Connection method: sound source equipment - mixer - equalizer - divider (two outputs)